Hideout Recipes

Stalcraft Hideout allows you to craft many items.

We, meanwhile, help you discover all recipes in a fast and easy way! Find all of hideout crafting recipes here!

Recipe #1
Crafted at Kitchen Table

Requires Skill: Cooking at level 3

Requires Kitchen TableKitchen Table

Requires Kitchen UtensilsKitchen Utensils

The recipe will craft 20 x Sausage SlicesSausage Slices
How to craft
6x Doggie Delight PâtéDoggie Delight Pâté
4x Salami SandwichSalami Sandwich
4x Excellent Canned MeatExcellent Canned Meat
5x SolyankaSolyanka
7x Olivier SaladOlivier Salad
Crafted at Kitchen Table

Requires Skill: Cooking at level 4

Requires Kitchen UtensilsKitchen Utensils

Requires Kitchen StoveKitchen Stove

The recipe will craft 6 x Doggie Delight PâtéDoggie Delight Pâté
Ingredient for
Hint: click on any item to go to its recipes!