Hideout Recipes

Stalcraft Hideout allows you to craft many items.

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Recipe #1

30 x Polyethylene BasePolyethylene Base

10 x Pack of BoltsPack of Bolts

1 x GlueGlue

9000 Energy

Crafted at Workbench

Requires Skill: Raw Materials at level 2

Requires Centrifuge

Requires Set of Flasks and Beakers

The recipe will craft 1 x Fermentation VesselFermentation Vessel
How to craft
Final item - not consumed for any further crafts!
Ingredient for
10x Base WineBase Wine
6x Tirage LiqueurTirage Liqueur
5x Wine with SedimentWine with Sediment
10x Jolly LemonadeJolly Lemonade
20x BrineBrine
10x Tinfoil HatTinfoil Hat
10x SubtropicsSubtropics
10x SchizoYorshSchizoYorsh
6x Sparkling ChampagneSparkling Champagne
5x Anomalous ChampagneAnomalous Champagne
8x AlcobullAlcobull
10x VodkaVodka
8x Industrial AlcoholIndustrial Alcohol
10x BragaBraga
10x Anomalous YeastAnomalous Yeast

2 x BragaBraga

5 x YeastYeast

2 x Bottle of Pure WaterBottle of Pure Water

5 x Spiritfruit PulpSpiritfruit Pulp

300 Energy

Crafted at Kitchen Table

Requires Skill: Home-Brewing at level 2

Requires Fermentation VesselFermentation Vessel

Requires Gauze FilterGauze Filter

The recipe will craft 10 x Base WineBase Wine
Required for
Hint: click on any item to go to its recipes!