Hideout Recipes

Stalcraft Hideout allows you to craft many items.

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Recipe #1

5 x AmmoniaAmmonia

5 x Bottle of Pure WaterBottle of Pure Water

2 x IronIron

1 x Protective GearProtective Gear

300 Energy

Crafted at Laboratory Table

Requires Skill: Raw Materials at level 2

Requires Laboratory TableLaboratory Table

Requires Gauze FilterGauze Filter

The recipe will craft 8 x Nitric AcidNitric Acid
How to craft
Pouch of 12 caliber Acid Dragon RoundsPouch of 12 caliber Acid Dragon Rounds
Solid MetalSolid Metal
3x SaltpeterSaltpeter
3x Ammonium ChlorideAmmonium Chloride
5x GunpowderGunpowder
4x NitroglycerinNitroglycerin
3x Mercury FulminateMercury Fulminate
4x NitrogelatinNitrogelatin
Mutation EnzymeMutation Enzyme

1 x Pouch of 12x76 mm SlugsPouch of 12x76 mm Slugs

2 x Sulfuric AcidSulfuric Acid

2 x Nitric AcidNitric Acid

2 x AcidAcid

1200 Energy

Crafted at Workbench

Requires Skill: Ammo at level 5

Requires Tool CartTool Cart

Requires CNC

The recipe will craft 1 x Pouch of 12 caliber Acid Dragon RoundsPouch of 12 caliber Acid Dragon Rounds
Ingredient for
Hint: click on any item to go to its recipes!