Hideout Recipes

Stalcraft Hideout allows you to craft many items.

We, meanwhile, help you discover all recipes in a fast and easy way! Find all of hideout crafting recipes here!

Ice Cream

Ice Cream

Cooking / Stamina Improvement

Recipe #1

1 x Condensed MilkCondensed Milk

1 x Glowing SugarGlowing Sugar

3 x DoughDough

1 x Frosty MixtureFrosty Mixture

5 x Cubemelon PulpCubemelon Pulp

600 Energy

Crafted at Kitchen Stove

Requires Skill: Cooking at level 3

Requires Exhaust HoodExhaust Hood

The recipe will craft 10 x Ice CreamIce Cream
Crate of Snowstorm GrenadesCrate of Snowstorm Grenades
4x Burn CreamBurn Cream

10 x Shrub-1 Hand GrenadeShrub-1 Hand Grenade

5 x Ice CreamIce Cream

3 x Frosty MixtureFrosty Mixture

3 x ReagentsReagents

1200 Energy

Crafted at Workbench

Requires Skill: Pyrotechnics at level 5

Requires Tool CartTool Cart

Requires Chemical ReactorChemical Reactor

Requires Centrifuge

The recipe will craft 1 x Crate of Snowstorm GrenadesCrate of Snowstorm Grenades
Hint: click on any item to go to its recipes!