Hideout Recipes

Stalcraft Hideout allows you to craft many items.

We, meanwhile, help you discover all recipes in a fast and easy way! Find all of hideout crafting recipes here!

This item cannot be crafted in the hideout.
15x NeurotonicNeurotonic
15x Battery Energy drinkBattery Energy drink
5x Amino AcidAmino Acid
30x Glowing SugarGlowing Sugar
3x PicklesPickles
6x Sparkling ChampagneSparkling Champagne
10x Set of SpicesSet of Spices
10x JuiceJuice

5 x CoffeeCoffee

1 x GlycerinGlycerin

6 x HellrootHellroot

3 x Sweettooth PulpSweettooth Pulp

900 Energy

Crafted at Laboratory Table

Requires Skill: Medicine at level 3

Requires Centrifuge

Requires Laboratory TableLaboratory Table

The recipe will craft 15 x NeurotonicNeurotonic
Hint: click on any item to go to its recipes!