Hideout Recipes

Stalcraft Hideout allows you to craft many items.

We, meanwhile, help you discover all recipes in a fast and easy way! Find all of hideout crafting recipes here!

Recipe #1
Recipe #2
Recipe #3

5 x Purple MineralsPurple Minerals

1 x Caustic SodiumCaustic Sodium

1 x Thermal MixtureThermal Mixture

400 Energy

Crafted at Laboratory Table

Requires Skill: Raw Materials at level 2

Requires Rotary Evaporator

The recipe will craft 5 x Aluminum PowderAluminum Powder
How to craft
Bag of Ceramic Plates IIIBag of Ceramic Plates III
Box of Handmade Flashbang GrenadesBox of Handmade Flashbang Grenades
Crate of Handmade M397sCrate of Handmade M397s
5x ReagentsReagents
4x Aluminum ChlorideAluminum Chloride
7x Incendiary CoatingIncendiary Coating
4x AluminumAluminum

10 x AbrasiveAbrasive

3 x Aluminum PowderAluminum Powder

10 x Plate CarrierPlate Carrier

900 Energy

Crafted at Workbench

Requires Skill: Protective Gear at level 1

Requires Workbench

The recipe will craft 1 x Bag of Ceramic Plates IIIBag of Ceramic Plates III
Ingredient for
Hint: click on any item to go to its recipes!