Hideout Recipes

Stalcraft Hideout allows you to craft many items.

We, meanwhile, help you discover all recipes in a fast and easy way! Find all of hideout crafting recipes here!

Recipe #1

20 x Large-Caliber BulletLarge-Caliber Bullet

20 x CasingCasing

20 x GunpowderGunpowder

1 x Fabric BagFabric Bag

1000 Energy

Crafted at Workbench

Requires Skill: Ammo at level 4

Requires Workbench

Requires Precision Tools

The recipe will craft 1 x Pouch of 12.7 mm RoundsPouch of 12.7 mm Rounds
How to craft
Pouch of 12.7 mm Sniper Rifle RoundsPouch of 12.7 mm Sniper Rifle Rounds
Pouch of 12.7 mm Easy Mode RoundsPouch of 12.7 mm Easy Mode Rounds

1 x Pouch of 12.7 mm RoundsPouch of 12.7 mm Rounds

25 x Carbon FiberCarbon Fiber

1200 Energy

Crafted at Workbench

Requires Skill: Ammo at level 5

Requires Workbench

Requires CNC

Requires Exhaust HoodExhaust Hood

The recipe will craft 1 x Pouch of 12.7 mm Sniper Rifle RoundsPouch of 12.7 mm Sniper Rifle Rounds
Ingredient for
Hint: click on any item to go to its recipes!